The aim of this paper is to introduce one of the latest theories of human cognitive abilities; namely, the Cattell-Horn -Carrol(CHC)theory. The CHC Theory is accepted within many countries because of its considerably high levels of validity, although it is still hardly known within Japan. We present a brieaf historical review of the CHC framework and introduce Woodcock-Johnson Ⅲ and KABC-Ⅱ as a couple of tests of cognitive abilities based on CHC Theory.
Key words: intelligence, cognitive ability test, CHC theory
- 流動性能力/推理Gf
- 結晶性能力/知識Gc
- 認知的処理速度Gs
- 視空間能力Gv
- 短期記憶Gsm
- 長期貯蔵と検索Glr
- 聴覚的処理Ga
- 決断/反応速度Gt
- 量的知識Gq
- 読み書きGrw
- (特定領域の)一般知識Gkn
- 触覚能力Gh
- 運動感覚能力Gk
- 嗅覚能力Go
- 意思決定速度G